Practice Ice General Terms & Conditions

All practice ice sessions are to be paid for, using the online booking system at Random checks will be carried out and any skater not booked onto a session will be asked to either leave the ice or pay "on the session payment" which will cost £12.00. Any session booked in advance is £9.00.

Skaters will only be allowed to skate on practice ice sessions that they have a valid booking for; coming on the ice a few minutes before their booked session starts is not permitted.

Skaters must meet the minimum standards for the session. Please refer to the Requirements for Different Types of Practice Ice.

Practice Ice Etiquette for Skaters and Coaches

Practice Ice Etiquette for Spectators

Falls & Injuries

Unforeseen Circumstances

Fire & Evacuation Procedure

On discovery of a fire:

  1. SOUND the alarm by activating the nearest break glass point. Remain calm.
  2. INFORM the Control Room by calling 0115 853 3032, who will call the Emergency Services.
  3. ASSESS the situation. Only attempt to FIGHT the fire with the provided extinguishers to aid escape or if confident to do so. Do not put yourself or others at risk.
  4. LEAVE the building by the nearest available emergency exit, if instructed to do so.