Practice Ice General Terms & Conditions
All practice ice sessions are to be paid for, using the online booking system at Random checks will be carried out and any skater not booked onto a session will be asked to either leave the ice or pay "on the session payment" which will cost £12.00. Any session booked in advance is £9.00.
Skaters will only be allowed to skate on practice ice sessions that they have a valid booking for; coming on the ice a few minutes before their booked session starts is not permitted.
Skaters must meet the minimum standards for the session. Please refer to the Requirements for Different Types of Practice Ice.
Practice Ice Etiquette for Skaters and Coaches
- Practice ice sessions are for training; playing on the ice, standing, and talking on the ice are not acceptable.
- When not training, skaters must be off the ice.
- Courteous behavior and apologies to coaches and fellow skaters are expected when necessary.
- It is unacceptable to scrape or kick the ice, or display any general lack of respect to other skaters or coaches at any time.
- Skaters performing toe-pick jumps are expected to fill out the holes made at the end of their practice.
- Skaters and coaches should make themselves aware which skater is performing to the music.
- Skaters that perform to the music during the practice ice sessions must have their own fluorescent wrist-band, arm-band or vest that clearly identifies them performing to the music, to help others be aware and give priority of way.
- Music should be kept at a reasonable volume.
- Headphones and earpieces are prohibited on practice ice, unless on Elite practice ice.
- Any training equipment (such as jump harnesses, resistant bends, ankle weights, etc.) used by coaches AND skaters must be pre-approved by the Figure Skating Manager upon written request by email.
- Coaches have priority over the use of the music system during practice ice sessions.
- Skaters must not join in blocks of more than two; other skaters are not permitted to "shadow", skate behind or around the two-person formation.
- Coaches can coach a group lesson of up to 4 skaters.
- Coaches and skaters are permitted to use photography and videography as training methods if done in a sensible way that doesn't disturb other practice ice users. If the footage is used for social media, coaches and skaters must do so in line with the safeguarding obligations.
Practice Ice Etiquette for Spectators
- Spectators must watch quietly from the designated viewing areas and refrain from conversing with, or offering directions to, the skaters on the ice.
- Spectators must not observe from the team bench areas.
Falls & Injuries
- If a skater is seriously hurt or injured while in a lesson, a coach is responsible for providing First Aid.
- In the absence of a coach, contact the Control Room by calling 0115 853 3032 and provide details of injury.
Unforeseen Circumstances
- In the unlikely event of only one skater training on the ice, a responsible adult must observe the session from the spectator area.
- In the event of an emergency, or to report suspicious behaviour or anything of concern, please contact the Control Room on 0115 853 3032.
Fire & Evacuation Procedure
On discovery of a fire:
- SOUND the alarm by activating the nearest break glass point. Remain calm.
- INFORM the Control Room by calling 0115 853 3032, who will call the Emergency Services.
- ASSESS the situation. Only attempt to FIGHT the fire with the provided extinguishers to aid escape or if confident to do so. Do not put yourself or others at risk.
- LEAVE the building by the nearest available emergency exit, if instructed to do so.